Update on the upcoming Belvedere Book
We were working to have all “memories” for the book submitted by September
30 (of THIS year!), but we need quite a few more memories if we are to have
enough material for a book.
If you have not yet submitted your memoir, please start working on it now. We want everyone to be included. Please share your memorable moments of times past in Charlevoix for future generations to enjoy.
The image below shows the articles submitted to The Archives Committee as of March 11, 2023. These articles are currently being “lightly” edited for spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc. before final submission to the publisher.

Option to make a recording of memories rather than writing a memory at least one senior member of the Club had expressed a desire to provide a memory but did not want to compose it and write it down.
To facilitate this memoir, the Archives Committee arranged for someone to record random memories from this person while having a conversation and asking questions. This recording will be transcribed, and someone will arrange the thoughts shared into a coherent memory.
Since any smartphone can record these days, we encourage those who are hesitant to compose their own memories to ask someone with a smartphone to record (audio or video) their thoughts for them. The recording can then be emailed to Potter Orr (maybe Dropbox for a video) and he will have it transcribed and we will have someone composes the memoir. Let Potter know at [email protected] if you would like any assistance in arranging a recording.
Volunteers to help with the book
We plan to summarize the history of the Club in the book and are inviting any interested volunteers to read the first two Belvedere Club books and make note of interesting facts that should be included in this summary.
Please make a note of the source of each fact (e.g., Brown Book page 173). We think this
summary will be of great benefit to readers interested in the history of the Club. Information from any other sources or memories that are appropriate for this summary is welcome as well.
There is a great outline of major events at the Club from 1878-2013 in the booklet prepared for the 135th anniversary of the Club a few years ago. If anyone does not have that booklet and would like to see the summary, please let Chris Payne know at [email protected] and he will send the outline to you.
Send Chris any interesting facts you find. The Archives Committee